Serving at Send
Everyone has been given different gifts - skills, resources, personalities, abilities - to use to serve one another to God's glory. We long for every person at Send to be able to use their God-given gifts for the good of the church body. Through serving we model Christ and demonstrate love to one another, and "are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit" (Ephesians 2:22).
Some serving roles at church are more obvious - service leading, serving refreshments, playing in the worship band, or welcoming others at the doors, for example. Other roles are more hidden - preparing the communion bread, tidying up after the creche, even emptying the bins! We desire to serve in humility out of a love for Christ and his people.
Other areas in which people currently serve are youth and children's work, men's / women's ministry, outreach events, cleaning, flowers, fellowship lunches / catering, administration. Prayer is a huge area in which we can serve our brothers and sisters in Christ and reach out to the world.
We encourage our church members to find an area in which they can joyfully serve. We would love for you to find where you slot into our church fellowship.